Below find news & updates from our charities, partners, and friends showing the work that your kind donations contribute to.
Farewell to an Industry Friend: Greg Bright
Greg Bright has passed away, aged 70. A legendary journalist and publisher, he had a deep appreciation for the art of obituary writing – but he never believed for a second that the end of somebody's life was the end of their story.
“Every newspaper story ever written was 100 per cent accurate, except to the handful of people who knew what actually happened.”
– Greg Bright
When I heard that Greg Bright had passed away my first instinct was to call him, because he would probably have something to say about it. He was a journalist, and so a hopeless gossip, and he saw gossip as a foundation stone of news, or possibly the entire foundation. The practice of seating journalists next to boring executives at boring events frustrated him. He wanted to be in the back of the room with the rank and file, the foot soldiers, the people who actually knew what was going on and would tell you about it. This was where news came from; everything else was stenography. Click here to read more

A Message from Maddy
"...I am doing quite well - just been on my first journey overseas by myself with friends and heading into my second year of nursing. Coming into 2020 though, I have had a couple of ongoing health issues that need to be addressed (after effects from treatment) however I’m still clear which is all that matters. Thank you so much for all the beautiful support to myself as well as Redkite when I participated in the gala last year, your support and funds raised that night was unbelievable and will impact so many families in the face of cancer.
Thank you"

Redkite Thank You Video
Our many loyal and dedicated partners and supporters make it possible for Redkite to reach children and young people with cancer and their families.
We are proud to have strong relationships with generous companies and organisations, corporate foundations, trusts and individuals who share our dedication to helping families across Australia.